October 29, 2024 at South Redditch

Bernie's Bolts12345total
1Mark West6464626
2Jim Williamson4864628
3Paul Blaynee8672629
4Dean Lowe7476731
5Jess Andrews8548631
6John McSweeney7779636
7Lewis McSweeney9748634
8Craig McSweeney6468630
9Andy Gill-Smith86815744
10Mark Andrews9888740
total of score(s) to drop
total pins7259637263329
leg points111104
points for match5
total points9

Jumbo Jet Set12345total
1Len Quartly9857635
2Liz Rowberry9536629
3Rob Quartly7787736
4Dan Hill6477529
5Dave Marriot5766731
6Barbara Smeed7042619
7Mike Smeed8664630
8Steve Wardle6677632
9Dennis Compton7366830
10Mick Stanton4438726
total of score(s) to drop
total pins6850556064297
leg points000011
points for match1
total points2
11Ray Jones6756731