October 15, 2024 at South Redditch

Bernie's Bolts12345total
1Mark West8664529
2Jim Williamson6684529
3Paul Blaynee8958434
4Dan Goodman8362322
5Dean Lowe7777735
6Jess Andrews6674831
7Craig McSweeney7888536
8Lewis McSweeney4778632
9Andy Gill-Smith5887634
10Mark Andrews6687835
total of score(s) to drop
total pins6566705957317
leg points111104
points for match5
total points9

The Nomads12345total
1Geoff Loat6474930
2James Marshall71173735
3Wendy Coombes6387731
4Andrew Coombes6779635
5Jordan Bunn66831336
6Jim Child2675828
7Phil Jones6867128
8Dave Maule6643524
9Tom Eaton2407720
10Alan Cummings68138540
total of score(s) to drop
total pins5363675668307
leg points000011
points for match1
total points2
Eddie Upright8784633
Graham Hanley8764732