About The League



League Rules (see also guidelines dated 25th July 2016)

1.       Teams shall comprise a maximum of 10 players and a minimum of 7 players

2.      If team numbers in any league game are uneven, scores are adjusted to compensate (see rule 3c below).
      3.  (a)   The points to be awarded in each game will be as follows
                   the team with the higher match score 5 points
                   the team with the lower match score 1 point
                   in the event of level match scores 3 points each.

           (b)   In addition to the above points being awarded
                   the team with the highest score in each leg 1 point
                   in the event of level leg scores 1/2 point each.

           (c)   When teams play with unequal numbers, but within the maximum and minimum
                   numbers, (as in rule 1 above),

                 (i)    leg points are awarded as follows:
                   the lowest score(s) in each leg will be dropped by the team with the most
                   players until numbers in each team are equal. (e. g. if team A has 10 players
                   and team B only 8, then team A drops its lowest 2 scores). The remaining 8
                   scores for each team will then be totalled for each leg to determine which
       team wins the leg point.

                 (ii)   match points are awarded as follows:
                         total the dropped scores in each leg and deduct that total from the total scored
       by all players in the team with the most players; the net figure arrived at is
       then compared with the opponents total score to determine which team wins
       the match.

           (d)   If a team fails to fulfil a fixture they will receive no points. The opposing team will
                   be awarded 10 points (5 points for a win plus 5 leg points).

4.  The winner of the league will be the team with the greatest number of points.

5.  When teams are tied on equal points the league position will, subject to the 2 examples
      below, be decided by the aggregate scores of the tied teams. The higher the aggregate score,
      the higher the league position.


     If tied team A has played less games than the other tied team B because

(a)       team A was awarded 10 points when opponents did not fulfil a fixture, the aggregate
             scores over the season of teams A & B will be divided by the number of games actually    
             played by each team to arrive at the best average. The better the average, the higher the      
             league position.

(b)       team A did not fulfil a fixture, the aggregate scores over the season of teams A & B
            will be divided by the total of the games actually played plus any unfulfilled fixtures of      
            each team to arrive at the best average. The better the average, the higher the league

6.   The winners of the two individual aggregate cups (Doreen Clarke Trophy for men and Les
      Clarke Ladies Cup for ladies) will be decided by aggregating the best 14 scores of each
      player over the season. Scores by reserves (those not in a team as rule 1) will not be

7.   The George Jones Trophy is for the team (subject to compliance with rule 1), with the
      highest team score in any game over the season.

8.   If a team leaves the League
      a.    before completing half of their fixtures, the match points gained by the remaining teams
             against the leaving team, will not be taken into account in determining league positions.
             The remaining teams’ total match scores and individual scores in those same matches
             will still count.
      b.   upon completing exactly half their fixtures, the points already gained by the remaining
            teams against the leaving team, will stand as will the remaining teams’ total match
            scores and individual scores in those games.
      c.   after completing more than half their fixtures but before completing all their fixtures,
            only the match points already gained by the remaining teams in the first half of the
            season against the leaving team will count. The remaining teams’ total match scores and
            individual scores in all games will still count.
      d.   The leaving team’s match scores in all games completed in a), b), or c) above will not
            count towards trophies but its individual players” scores will count, except when the
            leaving team has been expelled.

9.    Starting time for the games is 8:15 pm (8:30 pm latest). (NB: please also see guidance

10.   Any dispute or complaint arising in, or from, a game, shall be referred to the Secretary, in  
        writing, within 3 days of the game. The Secretary shall convene a meeting of the    
        disciplinary committee as soon as possible to consider the dispute/complaint.

 11.   A disciplinary committee shall comprise 3 team captains not concerned in the matter to be
        considered. The captain or representative of the team(s) involved in the dispute/complaint
        may attend and present their case at the meeting.

12.   The disciplinary committee shall have the power to decide any disputes/complaint and
        award points as they see fit. Further they are empowered to rule on any costs/expenses to be
        paid/awarded. The disciplinary committee’s decision is final.

13.   The Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer and Fixture Secretary shall comprise the League’s
        Executive and be empowered to make decisions on the League’s behalf.

14.   No player registration is required, but a player may only play for one team each season
        except in the following case and subject to agreement by the League Executive Committee.
       When a team resigns because it is unable to regularly field sufficient players, and the
        resignation is made on or before the completion of half of that team’s fixtures, players may
        join another team for the second half of the season.

15.   Only a captain may suggest to the opposition team captain, that in the best interests of the
        alley, a player be asked to control his/her actions.

16.   No re-arrangements of fixtures are possible other than instructed to the Secretary by any
        venue or as a result of an “Act of God” as determined by the League Executive

 l7.   Annual subscriptions to enter the League each season shall be set by the Captains at the
        preceding AGM.. Fees are due by the lst October.
        Charges for food on match nights are as set by each venue.

18.   Any team not having paid their subscription on or before the 30 September, shall be fined
        £1.00 on the first day of each subsequent calendar month until the subscription and fines are
        paid in full.
       The Treasurer will remind late paying teams of their obligation to pay their subscription and
        any fines prior to the following paragraph being implemented.
        If on the day following that team’s last game in its’ first half of the season, the full
        subscription and fines have not been paid, the team will be automatically expelled from the
        The match points already gained by the remaining teams against the expelled team, will
        count towards league positions, as will the remaining teams’ totals and individual scores in
        those games.
        Points gained by the expelled team, together with that team’s match totals and individual
        scores will not count towards any League trophies.
        Any team experiencing difficulty in paying the subscription and any fine should    
        immediately contact the Treasurer.
19.   The white pin is the kingpin and must always be placed on the spot at the front of  
        the diamond.

20.   A ball that touches either side of the alley, before it reached the pins, shall be a no ball. Any
        pins removed by a no ball shall not be replaced, nor the ball returned.
        If the first ball is a no ball, and the second ball removes all the remaining pins, then for the
        third ball, only those pins removed by the second ball shall be replaced in their position
        before the second ball was bowled.

21.   A pin moved off its spot, but remaining standing, shall be considered as still live. It is not
        replaced on its spot. Only fallen pins will count. A pin leaning (i.e. not vertical) against the
        side of the alley will be considered as fallen.

22.   Pins accidentally knocked down by the stackers shall be restacked in their original position.

23.   Pins knocked down by a ball bouncing back from the end of the alley after passing the
        diamond shall be restacked in their original position.

24.   Any proposals for altering or amending the rules shall be delivered to the Secretary 28 days
        before the AGM. The Secretary will circulate a copy of the proposals to all teams. Urgent
        matters may be referred to the AGM subject to prior approval of the Chairman.

25 July 2016
SWAN STUDLEY SKITTLES LEAGUE                                                                  25 July 2016

 Guidelines to be read in conjunction with League Rules dated 25 July 2016

 a. Only the captains must be involved in any dispute arising during a match. Only a captain may suggest to the opposition captain, that in the best interests of the alley, a player be asked to control his/her actions.

b. Starting time for the games is 20:30 latest. Captains should encourage team players to gather from 8.15pm, so that games can commence at or before 8.30pm.

If, at 20:30, a team does not have 7 players present but another/others are expected, then start the match. If it later becomes known that a team will not have a minimum of 7 players, it forfeits the match by not complying with rule 1.

c.  A captain must fully inform his/her opposite number of the expected time a late player will attend together with that player’s name before the match starts. Captains are required to act reasonably in agreeing the inclusion of a late player and what cut off time, if any, should apply. The name of any late player should not be declared (i.e. put on the board) until he/she/they arrive.

If a team is expecting a late player, but already has a reserve in attendance, the captain of the late player should inform the opposition captain, before the match starts, that the reserve may subsequently play if the late player fails to turn up by any cut off time agreed by the captains. The reserve’s name must also be made known to the opposition captain before the match starts.
The captain of the reserve player must advise the opposition captain at the time he proposes to substitute the reserve for the late player and only then declare that reserve’s name on the board and only provided that the reserve has not bowled during the match as a spare (i.e. has not ‘practiced’).

 The late player or the substitute should not “get their eye in” by bowling consecutive legs in order to catch up with the total legs bowled by their team.

 d. A maximum of 2 reserves to be allowed to bowl at the end of each of their team’s legs, and the team they play for to stack for the reserves.

e.  Rule 21 states that ‘A pin moved off its spot , but remaining standing, shall be considered as still live. It is not replaced on its spot. Only fallen pins will count. A pin leaning (i.e. not vertical) against the side of the alley will be considered as fallen’.
Any pin touching the side of the alley but with its base flat on the alley is still live.

f.  Teams will not bowl during the food break except when either, the captains have agreed to “play through”, or have agreed that a reserve bowls during the food break. The food break should be kept as short as possible.

g.  Captains to have their team’s copy of the current League rules with them on match nights.

h.  Captains to ensure that their team members (and particularly anyone who may be the acting captain in the absence of the regular captain) are aware of the rules.

 The League Secretary to ensure that the League rules are placed in the skittle boxes at each venue.